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Taiwan's first-dose coverage reaches 70% and second-dose coverage reaches 30%, vaccination goal for end of October achieved ahead of schedule


The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) reported that as of October 27, 2021, Taiwan's COVID-19 first-dose coverage reached 70.01% and second dose coverage stood at 30.87%; the cumulative doses administered per 100 people was 100.88 (dose/100 people), and around 23.637 million shots were administered across Taiwan. The CECC pointed out that Taiwan has achieved its goal of reaching 70% first-dose and 30% two-dose vaccination rates by the end of October ahead of schedule.


Please click here to see further details.


See also the Taiwan CDC website for the latest news on COVID-19:

  • Created:2021-10-27
  • Last Updated:2021-11-09
  • Count Views: