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CECC sets up five more BNT vaccination sites in Taipei City for first stage of 12th round of vaccinations and opens 45,280 new appointments


To accelerate vaccination coverage in the country, the CECC has made coordination efforts with related venues and medical personnel to set up five additional vaccination sites in Taipei City for the BNT vaccine. The five locations are the first floor of the Ministry of Health and Welfare Building, the first floor of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications Building, Huashan Creative Park W2, the 1st Exhibition Hall of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, and the Taiwan Contemporary Cultural Lab. After the efforts, a total of 45,280 new appointment slots for the BNT vaccine are now available.


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See also the Taiwan CDC website for the latest news on COVID-19:

  • Created:2021-10-19
  • Last Updated:2021-11-09
  • Count Views: