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All events with gatherings above 100 people indoors and 500 people outdoors were advised to be cancelled or postponed.


1. Mass gatherings usually involve a crowded condition with prolonged close contact among participants—an ideal condition to spread contagious diseases. Therefore, public gatherings of over 100 people indoors and over 500 people outdoors are prohibited to reduce the risk of community transmission.
2. For public gatherings of fewer than 100 people indoors and less than 500 people outdoors, one could perform risk assessments according to the "COVID-19 Guidelines: “Public Assembly" provides six indicators (below) If an evaluation deemed the gathering to pose a higher risk of disease transmission, it should be postponed or canceled, or conducted virtually:
(1) Could attendees' information be collected in advance
(2) Ventilation adequacy of the event site
(3) Distance among participants
(4) Participants would be in fixed spots or would be moving about during the event
(5) Event duration
(6) Could participants practice good hand hygiene, and wear masks throughout the event

  • Created:2020-03-25
  • Last Updated:2020-05-20
  • Count Views: