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Combined the “Entry Quarantine System” and “Digital Fencing Tracking System” and utilize mobile positioning to monitor movement of individuals.


1. All branches of the Executive Yuan have built an innovative information system to combat the ongoing pandemic. These effective technological measures include "Quarantine System for Entry." It accelerates the inspection procedures electronically, and incorporates "Digital Fencing Tracking System" that utilizes mobile phone positioning to track people’s whereabouts. In this way, Taiwan goverment could better enforce home isolation/quarantine, reduce the risk of community transmission, and implement anti-epidemic measures.
2. To hasten immigration inspection and ensure the accuracy of the entry data, the "Quarantine System for Entry" was established. The procedure is as follows:
(1) Scanning a QR code before take-off or after landing, completing the health declaration and other information online to speed up immigration clearance.
(2) Passenger information is integrated into the 14-day home quarantine/isolation’s "Digital Fencing Tracking System" and the tracking alarm’s "Electronic Fence Monitoring System".
(3) Through mobile phones’ positioning of people under home quarantine, if a quarantined individual unlawfully leaves the quarantine area, the system will send an "alert message" to the individual, civil affairs departments, health departments and local police to ensure full compliance with quarantine rules.

  • Created:2020-03-18
  • Last Updated:2020-06-01
  • Count Views: