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Taiwan citizens with recent travel history to China, Hong Kong, and Macau were requested to undergo a 14-day home quarantine.


1. Taiwanese citizens:
(1) Travelers with travel histories to China, Hong Kong and Macau would be placed under home quarantine for 14 days from February 6.
(2) Travelers applying for entry to Hong Kong and Macau and were approved will need to exercise self-health management for 14 days.
2. PRC nationals: entry to Taiwan is suspended.
3. Hong Kong and Macau residents: Placed under home quarantine for 14 days after entry, starting from February 07.
4. Other foreign nationals: starting from February 07, foreign nationals that have entered or resided in China, Hong Kong and Macau within the past 14 days are suspended from entering Taiwan.
5. The above measures are subject to adjustment depending on the future development of the pandemic situation.

  • Created:2020-02-06
  • Last Updated:2020-06-05
  • Count Views: