Mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) travel notice elevated to Level 3 (Warning).
The CECC raised the travel notice leve for China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) to Level 3: Warning. The CECC advised the public to avoid unnecessary travels due to the following reasons:
1. According to China’s Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) report and the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China's (PRC) published data from the individual provinces and cities. Up to January 27, there had been an accumulative number of 4,515 confirmed COVID-19 cases, among which 976 were severe cases and 106 mortality cases. Only the Tibet Autonomous Region had no confirmed or suspected cases out of the 31 provinces, cities and districts (Not including Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
2. Based on the fact that infected cases had continued to rise abruptly in all over China’s provinces indicating the severity of the COVID-19 epidemic.
3. The WHO had expressed that the risk of transmission is increased due to ability of the virus to allow for human-human transmission.
- Created:2020-01-28
- Last Updated:2020-06-05
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