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Announcement of Guidelines on Social Distancing” (1.5 meters when indoors; 1 meter when outdoors).


1. To reduce the risk of community transmission, the command center formulated a "Guide to Social Distancing," which would encourage the public to maintain social distancing courteously while accounting for people’s reasonable rights and anti-epidemic measures.
2. The first stage: soft persuasion
(1) Urging the public to avoid gatherings with close contact.
(2) Avoid nonessential businesses, such as recreational ones.
(3) People should maintain a social distance of 1.5 meters indoors and 1 meter outdoors. If all parties wear masks correctly, then social distancing could be waived.
(4) Businesses should cease operations if close contact could not be avoided, and could not effectively maintain a social distance of 1.5 meters.
3. Second stage: mandatory sanctions
(1) Other than essential establishments such as health centers, public offices, and groceries/medications, non-essential businesses especially recreational ones must stop operating.
(2) Essential activities must also maintain a social distance of 1.5 meters indoors and 1 meter outdoor.
(3) If both parties wear masks correctly, they should still maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter.

  • Created:2020-04-01
  • Last Updated:2020-05-20
  • Count Views: