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Universal Health Coverage: Taiwan Experience


The Minister of Health and Welfare, Chen Shih-Chung, gave a speech at the 2020 Taiwan International Nursing Conference Endorsed by ICN.

To attain the sustainable development goals of the United Nations, the World Health Organization continues to call on countries to improve various health measures to reach "Universal Health Coverage (UHC)" and the goal of "Good Health and Well-being".

Taiwan, despite having more than 23 million people, is not a member of the World Health Organization. Nonetheless, Taiwan implemented National Health Insurance as early as 1995 and has continued to improve. All Taiwanese citizens have an equal right to seek medical treatment, regardless of age, income, or career.

With the National Health Insurance system, Taiwan’s government can deploy strategies to prevent COVID-19 spreading. “The Taiwan Model” relies on a combination of advance preparations, the help of big data and AI, and transparency. Therefore, Taiwan has managed to keep its number of confirmed cases far fewer than neighboring countries.

The results of Taiwan’s experience in fighting pandemics have been clearly seen all around the world. This experience will benefit Taiwan's medical care system and make it even more comprehensive. In the future, we hope to become a model for medicine globally and help the world to achieve “Universal Health Coverage (UHC)".

  • Created:2020-09-09
  • Last Updated:2023-02-22
  • Data Source:Department of Nursing and Health Care
  • Count Views: